It does not matter how small an investment is. Saving regularly over the long term can result in a considerable sum. The key to success lies in giving your investment the time it needs to grow.
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The European Union and the different countries that compose it, is the equivalent to working in several companies, the difference is that instead of being called companies X, M and Z are called Countries, Germany, France and Spain. In this sense, in as many countries of the European Union you work as many applications about retirement as you do.
We receive an extra amount of money every month from the German state simply for having children.
The question is, do we manage this money correctly?
There is a basic principle in finance that says: it is not so much the money we invest but the time we have to let it grow.
The life cycle of children is the same as ours, if we know their needs beforehand we can prepare ourselves long before their life cycle, driver’s license, car, studies, communion, trips, flat rental.
All that time we have prepared will have been money that we will have earned with almost no effort and we will avoid paying interest because of our duty to apply for credit and our duty to overcome those circumstances when the time comes.
By allocating part of the money received from the Kindergeld to a savings plan which offers us an attractive return over 5-10 or more years, your pocket and your children will thank you.
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Note: This information is not intended as a substitute for personalized advice. Its purpose is to provide generic information